The main purpose of the EASY Toolkit is to develop a set of activities to be done with learners, based on films and comic strips selected from the EASY Catalogue, to explore the thematic of stereotypes, discrimination or even violence based on stereotypes.
The EASY Toolkit explores 5 films and 6 comic strips into more detail through various suggested exercises. Each film and comic strip has a minimum of 3 activities different in nature. The activities may be performed by the learners individually or in group; may be done all together with peers and educator or partly on their own and presented to peers and educator. The activities can be included in adult education regular curriculum, or done as an extra activity such as a workshop. Some activities include debates, role-playing, filming a video, quizzes and games. An important characteristic of Toolkit is that activities are very flexible, and each could work by itself.
To find out more about the content of the toolkit click on the buttons below and select film or comic strip you would like to explore.