
Preventing discrimination in the thinking and action of educators and adult learners

EASY Course Framework is a collection of educational modules, thematically focused on issues of stereotypes and discrimination, the learning outcomes assigned to them, methods of their verification, teaching-learning methods, teaching content and resources.

The EASY Framework of Competencies is a coherent set of learning outcomes, based on the Global Competencies, related to
1/ knowledge (defined as ‘body of information that is possessed by an individual’), understanding it (‘comprehension and appreciation of meanings’) and
2/ skills (defined as the capacity for carrying out a complex and well-organised pattern of either thinking (cognitive skill) or behaviour (behavioural skill).
These learning outcomes are strictly connected with antidiscrimination by adults in social life, and describe what behaviours are required, valued, recognized and rewarded in relation to specific social and job roles.

Topics explored in this module:

  • Definition of “stereotype”
  • Sources of stereotypes

Topics explored in this module:

  • Positive and negative stereotypes
  • Socio-cultural stereotypes
  • Linguistic representation of stereotypes

Topics explored in this module:

  • Social categorization
  • Giving up stereotypes

Topics explored in this module:

  • Internalisation of stereotypes
  • Individual effects of internalising negative stereotypes
  • Group and societal effects of stereotypes

“We call upon all communities to be tolerant—to reject prejudice based on cast, creed, sect, religion or gender. To ensure freedom and equality for women so that they can flourish. We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.”

Malala Yousafzai