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Project start date: 01.12.2021

Project end date: 01.08.2024

Discrimination based on gender and age are present at work, at accessing services, everywhere, and it prejudices not only the people victim of this discrimination but the entire society, since it is a way to deny human rights to a part of population, and when not everybody has the same rights, it usually leads that more rights will be removed eventually; and also prevents people with opportunities to act in behaviours considered outside the stereotypes. The EASY project seeks to promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion, diversity and fairness across all its actions and is being developed against a background of unprecedented challenges and opportunities facing the world such increasing globalisation in order to end stereotypes.

The main aim of the EASY project is to increase the quality of formal, informal and non-formal adult education, improve the quality of the adult education offer through professionalisation of its staff and building capacity of adult education providers to implement high quality learning programs, and this way develop the quality of teaching and learning in all forms of adult education, and making it relevant to the needs of the European society at large. The specific objectives of the project are to:

  • Provide better knowledge to adult regarding stereotypes
  • Make it clear, to adults, that gender and age stereotypes lead to discrimination in our society, which prejudices the entire population
  • Decrease the age and gender discrimination in adult society
  • Enhance critical thinking in adults

The project stipulates the development of several results:

  • EASY Course Framework for Adult Educators
  • EASY Films and Comic Strips Catalogue
  • EASY Toolkit of training activities for Adult Educators
  • EASY Guide for Educators, with suggestions on how to use the activities, how to embedded the thematic on other subjects.

University of Lodz, Poland

The University of Lodz is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Poland. For decades it has been also one of the biggest and most popular Polish universities and is repeatedly ranked among the top higher education institutions in the country. The 12 faculties of the University provide 95 programmes and 158 specializations in Polish and 21 programmes in English. In addition, the University offers several doctoral programmes and more than 50 postgraduate study programmes. Currently, around 28000 students of all levels attend the University of Lodz, including3000 from abroad.

Within direct cooperation agreements, the school cooperates with 270 partner institutions from all over the world. Within the Erasmus+ Programme the University has signed so far 700 agreements with 400 partner institutions. As a result of a cooperation with a number of foreign universities such as Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Université Franҫois – Rabelais (Tours), Westfälische Wilhelms – Universität Münster, University of Maryland, University of Regensburg and Centria University of Applied Sciences (Kokkola, Finland), students of the University of Lodz can graduate with dual diplomas.


AidLearn, Portugal

AidLearn, created in December 2003, resulted from the union of professionals with diversified experience in the fields of Management, Economics, Human Resources Management and Social Psychology. AidLearn is a service’s private organisation that operates at national and EU level. It aims to contribute to a better qualification of Portuguese HR by building up a learning organisation concerned with the equality of opportunities, providing quality and innovative services targeted to actual needs of organisations and individuals, and by internally developing a strong commitment and team working.


Olympic Training, Greece

Olympic Training was established in 1995 in Pyrgos, Elis as a VET centre and since then has evolved to training and consulting provider. Promoting investment into human resources towards faster vocational and entrepreneurial development, as well as combating social exclusion, are among the main aims of Olympic Training. In this context, the company participates actively in National and European projects, community initiatives and integrated programs that are either specialized in social integration of diverse vulnerable groups and in relative research, or, aim at the transfer of innovation, good practices and know-how, connected to lifelong learning and entrepreneurship.

So far, over 25,000 trainees have been trained by us and more than 4,500,000 man-hours of vocational training have been carried out.

At Olympic Training we aim at finding ways to bring about positive change through every single activity that we engage in.


HF&VUC FYN, Denmark

HF&VUC FYN is and adult education centre located on the island of Funen, Denmark. We are the largest providers of adult education in Denmark and the organization consists of departments located in Glamsbjerg, Faaborg, Middelfart, Svendborg, Nyborg, Søndersø, Ærø and 2 departments in Odense. Being located in both urban areas and small towns is part of our strategy of providing equal access to education for all. We also have a large distance-learning unit with students coming from all over Denmark and Danes living abroad.

The organization has a total of app. 4,000 students and 400 members of staff. HF&VUC FYN offers general, preparatory and qualifying adult education and we aim to fulfil the vision of building bridge to a future of more education, better jobs and higher quality of life for our students. Our mission is to provide equal access to quality education and to further everyone’s opportunity for lifelong learning.

Our vision is to educate committed and reflective world citizens. Our approach to education is to encourage and promote critical thinking in our students. We offer second chance education/ general adult education at lower secondary level (equivalent to the 9th and 10th grade of municipal school – the Folkeskole) – called AVU (almen voksenuddannelse), upper secondary level leading to the higher preparatory examination – called HF (højere forberedelseseksamen). We also offer preparatory education for adults, which is basic level Danish, math, English and digital skills – called FVU (forberedende voksenundervisning) and special courses aimed at students with dyslexia.


ACTA Foundation, Bulgaria

Acta Foundation is a Bulgarian non-governmental organization acting in public interest. The name of Acta Foundation was inspired by the Latin “acta non verba” literally meaning “actions not words” which is the philosophy that united a group of experts with rich and complementary academic background and hands-on business experience behind the Acta foundation. Our mission is to facilitate the development of active civil society through initiatives aimed at transforming education, business and leaders towards a more sustainable, smart and inclusive world.

Driven by its mission, Acta foundation’s core activities are focused on: (1) development and promotion of modern, innovative and flexible education and training; (2) design and implementation of joint high-impact mentoring and internship programmes and (3) facilitating the cooperation within the knowledge triangle on local, national and international level.


Association for Education and Sustainable Development, Romania

Association for Education and Sustainable Development (AESD) is an educational center and its main activities are implementation of courses of formal or informal lifelong education, building an organized system of consulting, information and training with a lifelong duration. One of the activities of our association is to analyze the needs of the region and to make a network of local centers of distance learning that can be easily accessed within certain neglected areas.

The SWOT analysis of the Regional Development Agency No.3 South Muntenia pointed out that there isn’t a concordance between the educational offer of the schools and the request of the labour market. Our association tries to be complementary to the educational network that already exists and to offer more flexibility for the lifelong learning of adults. The co-operation with European institutions with experience in the field of education can raise the potential of our association in addressing the needs of education in this region, and at the same time can provide the impetus for the development of a new educational culture in this region.

It is appropriate that we should strive for the most modern and innovative solutions in our efforts to promote sustainable communities.
