On January 2023, Researchers and Trainers from the partnership staff involved in creating PR3 – Toolkit were planned to cooperate in the context of an intensive Learning – Teaching – Training Activity in Pyrgos, Greece, so as to develop a common understanding and have the competence and knowledge to use and create interactive tools and activities that are appealing to adults.
To achieve that, we had an amazing three-day training planned!
On each day, one of the partners from Poland, Greece and Denmark monitored the training and present the tools and activities that they believe are most useful to promote adults’ learning, considering their own experience. In this 3-day event, we’ve got some great examples lined up, including Kahoot, Mentimeter, Answer Garden, Plickers, Quizizz, Padlet, Popplet, Emaze, and so many more! We’re thinking debates, role playing, creating videos, games, and quizzes and ways to be incorporated in training sessions in the format of activities that promote the awareness on age and gender stereotypes!
All participants, including the amazing staff members who will be responsible for creating the PR3 Toolkit, now have a deep understanding of the tools and activities to be created. This means the EASY project Toolkit will be well-defined and full of rich, varied results!