Fourth Project Meeting
Held on 13-14 May 2024 in Lodz, Poland
Review of work done
Planning the activities ahead
Joint discussion
The team of EASY Project (ref. number: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000028240) recently held a productive final meeting to discuss key project milestones and next steps.
The project meeting was held on 13 and 14 May 2024 and was hosted by the project coordinator Lodz University. The meeting brought together representatives from all 5 partner institutions: University of Lodz (Poland); Aidlearn, Consultoria em Recursos Humanos Lda. (Portugal); HF & VUC FYN (Denmark); Οlympic Training & Consulting Ltd. (Greece) and Acta Foundation (Bulgaria).
Key topics included feedback from conducted pilot training, planning of translations into national languages, finalizing all results, planning of upcoming multiplier events and discussing final report preparation. The refinement and finalization of the EASY Toolkit was at the core of the discussions during the first meeting day. The main purpose of the EASY Toolkit is to develop a set of activities to be done with learners, based on films and comic strips selected from the EASY Catalogue, to explore the thematic of stereotypes, discrimination or even violence based on stereotypes. During the second day the finalization of the EASY Guide was main focus.
The meeting further strengthened the collaboration between the partners and paved the way for successful project completion and further building on achieved results. The meeting concluded with a guided tour exploring Lodz cultural heritage.